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]]>This matters to you as an aviator because none of the updates and improvements this bill contains can be implemented until the President signs it into law. The most recent version to come out of committee is H.R. 3935, aka the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024. The Senate Commerce Committee and the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee worked together to pass this bill on to Congress. The Senate overwhelmingly approved the bill on May 9, and this is expected to be taken up by the House next week before it moves on to be signed by the President.
The FAA and aviation industry are chomping at the bit to have this new legislation passed as it offers quite a few updates and paths to improvement for current aviation systems, as well as increased funding for many of the FAA’s programs. The bill sets the FAA budget, and therefore, the initiatives for the next five years. The focus areas of the bill and a few examples of how the bill works to improve each area follow.
What can you do? Encourage the members of Congress from your area to pass the bill. Need help finding these people and how to contact them? Check out’s Find Your Members tool. Just put in your address, and your senators and representatives will be listed. Let them know you think passing this bill is important. The continued safe operation of general aviation in the US depends on it.
Images by Maria Tyutina ( and Eilis Garvey (
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]]>The post Celebrate Drones with Drone Safety Day and Xponential first appeared on Learn To Fly.
]]>Then, on April 27, take part in the FAA’s annual Drone Safety Day, which was created to increase awareness around the importance of safe drone operations. In-person, virtual, and hybrid events focus on drone education, economics, equity, environment, and emergencies. Browse available events to find something appealing to you on the Drone Safety Day page hosted by the National Center for Autonomous Technology (NCAT).
Safety is integral to aviation, even if your aircraft is controlled remotely. Patrick Sherman’s new book, Getting Started with Drones and Model Airplanes, offers many lessons on keeping yourself, your drone, and those around you safe. Read on to get a taste.
As a remote pilot, I personally rely on [the] phrase, “first, do no harm,” to remind me about what is important when I go flying—it isn’t me, and it certainly isn’t my aircraft. What is important is the injury and damage my aircraft could inflict on other people and their property. It is a reminder that I have an overriding duty to sacrifice my aircraft without hesitation should it endanger another person, which in itself is a compelling motivation to avoid creating that situation in the first place.
At first glance, the potential hazard may seem quite small. After all, how much damage can a small foam airplane or a palm-sized drone really cause? It turns out that the answer is, “Quite a bit.” Studies have revealed that a common drone, the DJI Phantom 4 (Figure 1), can inflict a lethal injury on a person wearing a hardhat if it falls from an altitude of only 25 feet. Drop almost anything from 400 feet (which . . . is the maximum altitude that drones are allowed to fly) and it has the potential to maim or kill.
Furthermore, the weight and altitude of small aircraft aren’t the only threats that they pose. Keep in mind that most of these machines are kept aloft by propellers turning thousands of times per minute. These are capable of inflicting multiple lacerations before a person even knows what is happening, and even before their natural reflexes can move them out of harm’s way.
A propeller strike to the soft tissues of the face or other sensitive parts of the body has the potential to blind or disfigure someone for life. To be clear, that someone could be you. Remember, you’ve made a choice to embark upon this journey, and to educate yourself regarding the dangers, but the young couple pushing their newborn baby in a stroller through the park where you happen to be flying has made no such choice. Imagine the long-term impact of an accident on them, then consider the impact on you, your liability, your emotions, your mental health, and your passion for aviation. These losses are unnecessary and avoidable.
I hope you now understand why I begin each flight by reminding myself, “First, do no harm.”
By becoming a remote pilot, even if you are only flying for fun, you are becoming a member of the broader aviation community. Spend any time at all with pilots, airplane mechanics, air traffic controllers, or anyone else associated with this community, and you will quickly find that one overriding goal binds us all together: safety.
Safety is—and must be—the first and last thought of every aviator, and that includes you. In each of the subsequent chapters in this book, you’ll see how time and again our conversation turns to safety. The importance of this topic simply cannot be overstated, and if you cannot abide by everything that is required to maintain it, then flying drones and model airplanes might not be the right hobby for you.
That said, safety does not require the complete elimination of all risk, because that would be impossible. The only way to reduce the risk of flying to zero is to not fly at all, and millions of people fly drones and model airplanes every day, and they do it safely. Safe flying requires an understanding of the risks involved and how to mitigate them. Start by following the rules, knowing the environment where you are flying, understanding how your aircraft works and the potential hazards it poses to you and other people, and—the most important of all—recognizing your own limitations. Flying will teach you who you are, along with a great many other things.
Discover more about drone safety, as well as how to choose the right drone or model airplane for you, where to fly the one you choose, and, when you’re ready, how to take the best aerial photographs in Getting Started with Drones and Model Airplanes, now available from ASA.
Featured image courtesy Sigma Design.
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]]>The post Aviation Decision-Making and Spring Weather first appeared on Learn To Fly.
]]>Pilots must consider each of these factors, relative to both their capabilities as the pilot as well as the capabilities of the aircraft they’re flying:
While more than 80% of all aircraft accidents are put into the “human factors” category, this also includes decision-making, often related to weather and poor flight planning. With all the variables and uncertainty that comes with weather, the number of flights that go uninterrupted and as planned daily is remarkable.
Learn more about making the best decisions based on weather conditions in the Aviation Weather Handbook, available on the ASA website.
Image by Luis Fernando Meza via PixabayThe post Aviation Decision-Making and Spring Weather first appeared on Learn To Fly.
]]>The post FAA Releases New Airman Certification Standards first appeared on Learn To Fly.
]]>Through IBR, several brand-new ACS are now available:
Certification | Change | Old | New |
Instrument Rating Helicopter | New ACS | 8081-4E | ACS-14 |
Private Pilot Rotorcraft Helicopter | New ACS | 8081-15A | ACS-15 |
Commercial Pilot Rotorcraft Helicopter | New ACS | 8081-16B | ACS-16 |
Flight Instructor Airplane | New ACS | 8081-6DS and 8081-6DM | ACS-25 |
Flight Instructor Helicopter | New ACS | 8081-16B | ACS-29 |
This amendment also requires updates to several of the standards:
Certification | Change | Old | New |
Private Pilot Airplane | Updated ACS | ACS-6B.1 | ACS-6C |
Commercial Pilot Airplane | Updated ACS | ACS-7A | ACS-7B |
Instrument Rating Airplane | Updated ACS | ACS-8B.1 | ACS-8C |
Airline Transport Pilot and Type Rating Airplane | Updated ACS | ACS-11.1 | ACS-11A |
Flight Instructor Instrument Airplane and Helicopter | Updated PTS | 8081-9D | 8081-9E |
Aircraft Dispatcher | Updated PTS | 8081-5F.7 | 8081-10E |
The Aviation Mechanic (ACS-1) and Remote Pilot (ACS-10B) standards were not affected and remain in effect.
What does this mean for you? The FAA is clear that no major substantive changes were made to the testing standards already in use. The incorporation of the ACS and PTS creates a clear, easy-to-use organization of the material a student is expected to know (knowledge elements), consider (risk management elements), and do (skill elements) to qualify for an airman certificate or rating. The ACS assigns a unique code to each task element, which allows for better feedback and clear alignment between the standards, handbooks, and test questions. These ACS codes replace the Learning Statement Codes (LSC) previously seen on Airman Knowledge Test Reports (AKTR) once the new publications become effective.
A common question among many applicants is, “Which ACS or PTS should I use, the newly published or the current?” The simple answer is—it depends on when you plan on taking your knowledge exam or practical test. If you plan to test prior to the May 31st effective date you will want to use the ‘‘old’’’ ACS/PTS. If you plan on testing after May 31st you will want to use the newly published ACS/PTS for the airman certificate or rating you are testing for.
All of these new or updated ACS and PTS are available for preorder at ASA to ship in late April.
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]]>The post Remote ID Now Enforced for Drones first appeared on Learn To Fly.
]]>The law requiring Remote ID* was enacted January 15, 2021, with a compliance date of September 16, 2023. Because creating, distributing, and affording drones capable of broadcasting, receiving FRIA approval, and registering drones took longer than anticipated, the FAA enacted a six-month enforcement policy** to exercise discretion in determining how to handle noncompliance, including whether or not to take enforcement action on Remote ID. This discretionary period ended, and enforcement went into full effect on March 16, 2024.
What does this mean for you? Well, if your drone was made after September 16, 2022 it most likely already has Standard Remote ID built in, or at least it should as that is the FAA requirement. For older drones, you will need to attach a Remote ID broadcast module or only operate your drone in a FRIA. In both cases, you will also need to add the Remote ID serial number to your FAA registration.
To check if your drone or broadcast module is Remote ID compliant, go to the FAA UAS Declaration of Compliance website and click on “View public DOC list” (you may need to scroll down to see it).
Filter by type: “RID” and status: “accepted,” then search for your drone or broadcast module.
Only drones or broadcast modules listed on the FAA DOC are considered to be in compliance (even if your drone was advertised as “Remote ID ready”). If your drone or broadcast module is on the list, you will still need to register or update your registration through the FAADroneZone to include your Remote ID drone or broadcast module serial number (note that this serial number is not always the same as your drone’s serial number).
If you’re a recreational drone pilot and have one registration number that applies to multiple aircraft, you can list one Remote ID broadcast module serial number and move the module from aircraft to aircraft (as long as they are all listed on the registration). For more information on Remote ID and registration visit the FAA Remote ID webpage.
And, if all of this sounds a little overwhelming, check out ASA’s Getting Started with Drones and Model Airplanes, and let Patrick Sherman guide you through the process.
* 86 FR 4390
** 88 FR 63518
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]]>The post METAR Deciphered first appeared on Learn To Fly.
]]>First of all, METAR as an abbreviation is vague at best. Different sources will tell you this comes from METeorological Aerodrome Report, Meteorological Terminal Aviation Routine Weather Report, Meteorological Terminal Air Report, or Meteorological Airfield Report. Let’s stick with aviation routine weather report and get straight into the decrypting.
Here’s an example of a routine METAR report for a station location:
METAR KGGG 161753Z AUTO 14021G26KT 3/4SM +TSRA BR BKN008 OVC012CB 18/17 A2970 RMK PRESFR
Each METAR contains specific information in sequential order. Let’s go through each bit of the standard formatted coding.
1. METARs begin with the type of report (shown in red).
METAR KGGG 161753Z AUTO 14021G26KT 3/4SM +TSRA BR BKN008 OVC012CB 18/17 A2970 RMK PRESFR]
You will see two types of METAR reports. The routine METAR report, transmitted at a regular time interval, or the aviation selected SPECI, a special report that can be given at any time to update the METAR for rapidly changing weather conditions, aircraft mishaps, or other critical information.
2. Next is the station identifier. A four-letter code as established by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
METAR KGGG 161753Z AUTO 14021G26KT 3/4SM +TSRA BR BKN008 OVC012CB 18/17 A2970 RMK PRESFR
In the 48 contiguous states, a unique three-letter identifier is preceded by the letter “K.” For example, Gregg County Airport in Longview, Texas, is identified by the letters “KGGG,” with K as the country designation and GGG as the airport identifier. In other regions of the world, including Alaska and Hawaii, the first two letters of the four-letter ICAO identifier indicate the region, country, or state. Alaska identifiers always begin with the letters “PA,” and Hawaii identifiers always begin with the letters “PH.” Station identifiers can be found on various websites, such as the Aviation Weather Center or NOAA’s METAR Observation Station Identifiers.
3. The third grouping is the date and time of the report. Depicted in a six-digit group (161753Z). The first two digits are the date. The last four digits are the time of the METAR/SPECI, which is always given in coordinated universal time (UTC). A “Z” is appended to the end of the time to denote the time is given in Zulu time (UTC) as opposed to local time. This METAR was issued on the 16th at 1753 Zulu.
METAR KGGG 161753Z AUTO 14021G26KT 3/4SM +TSRA BR BKN008 OVC012CB 18/17 A2970 RMK PRESFR
4. The modifier denotes whether the METAR/SPECI came from an automated source or if the report was corrected.
METAR KGGG 161753Z AUTO 14021G26KT 3/4SM +TSRA BR BKN008 OVC012CB 18/17 A2970 RMK PRESFR
If the notation “AUTO” is listed in the METAR/SPECI, the report came from an automated source. It also lists “AO1” (for no precipitation discriminator) or “AO2” (with precipitation discriminator) in the “Remarks” section to indicate the type of precipitation sensors employed at the automated station. When the modifier “COR” is used, it identifies a corrected report sent out to replace an earlier report that contained an error. If this example had been corrected, the word AUTO would be replaced with COR.
5. The wind is reported with five digits (14021) unless the speed is greater than 99 knots, in which case the wind is reported with six digits. The first three digits indicate the direction the true wind is blowing from in tens of degrees. If the wind is variable, it is reported as “VRB.” The last two digits indicate the speed of the wind in knots (KT) unless the wind is greater than 99 knots, in which case it is indicated by three digits. If the winds are gusting, the letter “G” follows the wind speed. After the letter “G,” the peak gust recorded is provided (G26KT). If the wind direction varies more than 60° and the wind speed is greater than six knots, a separate group of numbers, separated by a “V,” will indicate the extremes of the wind directions.
METAR KGGG 161753Z AUTO 14021G26KT 3/4SM +TSRA BR BKN008 OVC012CB 18/17 A2970 RMK PRESFR
Without gusts, this METAR would include only 14021KT.
6. The prevailing visibility is reported in statute miles as denoted by the letters “SM.” It is reported in both miles and fractions of miles (¾ SM).
METAR KGGG 161753Z AUTO 14021G26KT 3/4SM +TSRA BR BKN008 OVC012CB 18/17 A2970 RMK PRESFR
The runway visual range (RVR) may be reported following the prevailing visibility. RVR is the distance a pilot can see down the runway in a moving aircraft. When RVR is reported, it is shown with an R, then the runway number followed by a slash (/), then the visual range in feet. For example, when the RVR is reported as R17L/1400FT, it translates to a visual range of 1,400 feet on runway 17 left.
7. Now we get to the weather. It can be broken down into two different categories: the qualifiers (+TSRA) and the weather phenomenon (BR).
METAR KGGG 161753Z AUTO 14021G26KT 3/4SM +TSRA BR BKN008 OVC012CB 18/17 A2970 RMK PRESFR
First, the qualifiers of intensity, proximity, and the descriptor of the weather are given. The intensity may be light (–), moderate ( ), or heavy (+). Proximity only depicts weather phenomena that are in the airport vicinity. The notation “VC” indicates a specific weather phenomenon is in the vicinity of 5–10 miles from the airport. Descriptors are used to describe certain types of precipitation and obscurations. Weather phenomena may be reported as being precipitation, obscurations, or other phenomena, such as squalls or funnel clouds. Descriptions of weather phenomena, when they begin or end, and hailstone size are also listed in the “Remarks” sections of the report. The coding for qualifier and weather phenomena are shown in this chart. The weather groups are constructed by considering columns 1–5 in this table sequence: intensity, followed by descriptor, followed by weather phenomena.
The notation +TSRA BR is “heavy thunderstorms and rain with mist.” Another example, “heavy rain showers” is coded as +SHRA.
8. Next we have the sky condition. This is always reported in the sequence: amount, height, and type or indefinite ceiling/height (vertical visibility).
METAR KGGG 161753Z AUTO 14021G26KT 3/4SM +TSRA BR BKN008 OVC012CB 18/17 A2970 RMK PRESFR
The heights of the cloud bases are reported with a three-digit number in hundreds of feet AGL. Clouds above 12,000 feet are not detected or reported by an automated station. The types of clouds, specifically towering cumulus (TCU) or cumulonimbus (CB) clouds, are reported with their height. The amount of cloud coverage and obscuring phenomena is described using fractions, then reported based on the amount of sky coverage in eighths of the sky from horizon to horizon.
Less than 1/8 is abbreviated as Sky Clear, Clear, or Few; 1/8–2/8 as Few; 3/8–4/8, Scattered; 5/8–7/8, Broken; and 8/8, Overcast. For aviation purposes, the ceiling is the lowest broken or overcast layer, or vertical visibility into an obscuration.
9. The air temperature and dew point are always given in degrees Celsius (C).
METAR KGGG 161753Z AUTO 14021G26KT 3/4SM +TSRA BR BKN008 OVC012CB 18/17 A2970 RMK PRESFR
Temperatures below 0 °C are preceded by the letter “M” to indicate minus.
10. The altimeter setting is reported as inches of mercury (inHg) in a four-digit number group.
METAR KGGG 161753Z AUTO 14021G26KT 3/4SM +TSRA BR BKN008 OVC012CB 18/17 A2970 RMK PRESFR
It is always preceded by the letter “A.” Rising or falling pressure may also be denoted in the “Remarks” sections as “PRESRR” (rising) or “PRESFR” (falling).
11. Lastly, we have the remarks section, which always begins with the letters “RMK.”
METAR KGGG 161753Z AUTO 14021G26KT 3/4SM +TSRA BR BKN008 OVC012CB 18/17 A2970 RMK PRESFR
Comments may or may not appear in this section of the METAR. The information contained in this section may include wind data, variable visibility, beginning and ending times of phenomenon, pressure information, and various other information deemed necessary. An example of a remark regarding weather phenomenon that does not fit in any other category would be: OCNL LTGICCG. This translates as occasional lightning in the clouds and from cloud to ground. Automated stations also use the remarks section to indicate the equipment needs maintenance.
Our sample METAR would be read as follows:
Routine METAR for Gregg County Airport for the 16th day of the month at 1753 zulu from an automated source. Winds are 140 at 21 knots gusting to 26 knots. Visibility is ¾ statute mile. Thunderstorms with heavy rain and mist. Ceiling is broken at 800 feet, overcast at 1,200 feet with cumulonimbus clouds. Temperature 18 °C and dew point 17 °C. Barometric pressure is 29.70 inHg and falling rapidly.
A few more examples:
To find more examples and learn even more about weather events that can affect flying, check out the Aviation Weather Handbook, available at
The post METAR Deciphered first appeared on Learn To Fly.
]]>The post Cold Weather and Aircraft: What a Pilot Needs to Know first appeared on Learn To Fly.
]]>A proper understanding of weather and how it will affect both your intended flight and aircraft are a huge part of the aeronautical knowledge required to earn a pilot’s certificate. As you progress through your certificate levels and ratings as a pilot you will continually build upon the knowledge required to operate under that certificate level. ASA’s oral exam guides are here to help and include questions and answers written by examiners to allow you to simulate the experience of the oral exam. Today we’ve got some sample questions from our Commercial Pilot Oral Exam Guide related to cold weather.
First, from airplane systems section L on environmental systems, we have questions related to heaters and the problems that can be associated with them:
1. What are the two main types of heater systems commonly found on general aviation aircraft? (FAA-H-8083-25)
Fresh air heaters—Fresh air heaters that pass air over an exhaust shroud into the cabin through ducts are a type of combustion heater commonly used in general aviation aircraft. As the fresh air flows over the hot exhaust shroud, it absorbs the heat from the engine exhaust, significantly increasing its temperature. The heated air is then distributed into the aircraft cabin through a network of ducts. These ducts are strategically placed to ensure proper circulation of warm air throughout the cabin.
Combustion heaters—Combustion heaters, also known as fuel-burning heaters, utilize a combustion process to generate heat. These heaters typically burn aviation fuel, such as Jet-A or avgas, to produce heat that is then distributed throughout the aircraft cabin. Combustion heaters are often equipped with a heat exchanger, which transfers the heat from the combustion chamber to the cabin air. Air circulation fans help distribute the heated air throughout the cabin, providing warmth to occupants. Combustion heaters are commonly found in many piston-engine aircraft and smaller turboprop aircraft.
2. What are the main aeromedical risks associated with cabin heater systems in general aviation aircraft? (FAA-H-8083-25)
Cabin heater systems in general aviation aircraft, while providing comfort and warmth, can pose certain aeromedical risks. The main risks associated with cabin heater systems include:
Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning—CO is a colorless and odorless gas produced by incomplete combustion of fuels, such as aviation fuel or other hydrocarbons used in the heater system. If there is a leak or malfunction in the heater system, CO can enter the aircraft cabin, leading to CO poisoning. Inhaling high levels of CO can cause symptoms ranging from headaches, dizziness, and nausea to more severe consequences, including loss of consciousness or death. A common cause for carbon monoxide in a cabin is cracked tubing or exhaust shrouds that allow the gas into the cabin.
Oxygen depletion—Another risk associated with cabin heaters is the potential for oxygen depletion. Some combustion-based heater systems consume oxygen during the combustion process. In an inadequately ventilated or sealed cabin, excessive use of a combustion heater can lead to a reduction in the available oxygen levels. This can result in hypoxia, which is a condition characterized by an insufficient supply of oxygen to the body’s tissues and organs. Hypoxia can impair cognitive function, decrease alertness, and potentially lead to a loss of consciousness.
Next, learn how to answer questions on keeping your aircraft free from ice with information from section M on deicing and anti-icing:
1. What is the difference between a deice system and an anti-ice system? (FAA-H-8083-31)
A deice system is used to eliminate ice that has already formed. An anti-ice system is used to prevent the formation of ice.
2. What types of systems are used in the prevention and elimination of airframe ice? (FAA-H-8083-31)
Pneumatic—A deice type of system; consists of inflatable boots attached to the leading edges of the wings and tail surfaces. Compressed air from the pressure side of the engine vacuum pump is cycled through ducts or tubes in the boots causing the boots to inflate. Most systems also incorporate a timer.
Hot air—An anti-ice type system; commonly found on turboprop and turbojet aircraft. Hot air is directed from the engine (compressor) to the leading edges of the wings.
Electrical—Electrical deicing systems in general aviation aircraft use embedded heating elements or wires on critical surfaces like wings, tailplanes, and propellers. Activating the system sends an electrical current through the elements, generating heat to prevent or remove ice buildup. Temperature sensors monitor surface temperatures for optimal deicing. Power is supplied through the aircraft’s electrical system or dedicated sources such as batteries.
Fluid—Liquid deicing systems are used in general aviation aircraft to remove ice and prevent its formation. A liquid deicing system typically involves spraying a specialized deicing fluid onto critical surfaces such as wings, tailplanes, and propellers. This fluid contains anti-icing agents that prevent ice buildup and facilitate ice removal. The deicing fluid is stored in dedicated tanks and distributed through a network of tubing and nozzles. Pilots activate the system to spray the fluid onto the surfaces before or during flight. The fluid coats the surfaces and is intended to provide a protective layer to prevent further ice formation or accumulation.
3. What types of systems are used in the prevention and elimination of propeller ice? (FAA-H-8083-31)
Electrically heated boots—Consist of heating elements incorporated into the boots which are bonded to the propeller. The ice buildup on the propeller is heated from below and then thrown off by centrifugal force.
Fluid system—Consists of an electrically driven pump which, when activated, supplies a fluid, such as alcohol, to a device in the propeller spinner which distributes the fluid along the propeller assisted by centrifugal force.
4. What types of systems are used in the prevention and elimination of windshield ice? (FAA-H-8083-31)
Fluid system—A liquid fluid system, typically driven by an electric pump, can be activated to spray deicing fluid onto the windshield (or other surfaces) of the aircraft to prevent formation of ice. A best practice is to deploy this fluid before ice accumulates and begins to coat surfaces. It is intended to be most effective at stopping ice from bonding to surfaces, not removing it once it has built up.
Electrical system—Heating elements are embedded in the windshield or in a device attached to the windshield which when activated, prevents the formation of ice.
These questions refer to FAA-H-8083-25, the Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, and FAA-H-8083-31, the Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook—Airframe. You can find this information and more in the eleventh edition of Commercial Pilot Oral Exam Guide.
Featured image by 2happy at
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]]>The post FAA’s MOSAIC May Expand the Reach of Light-Sport Aircraft first appeared on Learn To Fly.
]]>In 2004, the FAA published the final rule titled “Certification of Aircraft and Airmen for the Operation of Light-Sport Aircraft,” which established rules for the manufacture, certification, operation, and maintenance of light-sport aircraft (LSA), then defined as aircraft weighing less than 1,320 pounds (or 1,430 pounds for aircraft intended for operation on water). LSA includes a wide variety of aircraft, from airplanes and gliders to balloons and gyroplanes. In place for nearly two decades, the LSA category has shown a lower accident rate than experimental amateur-built airplanes, leading the FAA to expand the definition of LSA.
MOSAIC establishes new performance-based requirements for the LSA category, while removing the weight-based requirements. The agency’s proposal would allow LSA to have a clean stall speed of 54 knots, a maximum flight level speed of 250 knots, and a maximum of four seats. All increases over the 2004 regulations. The FAA also wishes to encourage the development and innovation of different powerplants for LSA, “especially electric-powered aircraft.”
MOSAIC would update the repairman certificate with a new light-sport classification that would apply to existing and new aircraft certificated in the light-sport category, namely rotorcraft and powered-lift. It would also expand the aircraft that sport pilots can operate with the hope of attracting new pilots to the industry (though they will still be limited to one passenger), as well as offer new rules for Class G airspace near airports tailored for powered-lift aircraft.
By allowing rotorcraft and electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft to be certificated as light-sport aircraft, MOSAIC would introduce electric propulsion systems to the LSA market and grant rotorcraft privileges to light-sport pilots, instructors, and repairmen. Stated another way, MOSAIC may allow LSA certificate holders to fly, instruct on, and repair certain helicopters.
Of course, these changes will require new regulations that aircraft and pilots will need to qualify under. But MOSAIC opens the door for everything from new roads to production for experimental aircraft to making space for VTOLs in airports.
Joby S4-2.0B (N542BJ) photo by Vertical Flight Society ( Photo CC-BY SA 4.0.
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]]>The post NORAD Has the Watch: Santa Tracker first appeared on Learn To Fly.
]]>NORAD’s Santa Tracker website launches each year on December 1, and in 2023 it offers plenty of activities leading up to Santa’s trip. Visitors can explore world traditions at the North Pole’s library, listen to classics like “Here Comes Santa Claus” playing on the music stage, and play a new game every day (as well as the ones from the previous days) at the arcade. You can also find a blueprint of Santa’s sleigh, which, if you’re curious, measures 75 cc (candy canes) or 150 lp (lollipops) by 40 cc (80 lp).
The site also offers plenty of information about NORAD’s tracking abilities. They use radar, satellites, and jet fighters, such as Canadian CF-18s and American F-22s, that escort Santa across North America (see this video and the image below).
According to the website, Rudolph’s nose gives off a signature similar to a rocket launch, and their satellites detect it with “no problem.” Santa’s trip starts at the International Date Line in the Pacific Ocean and travels west visiting the South Pacific first, then New Zealand and Australia. After he finishes his stops in the Australian outback, he travels to Japan, over Asia, across to Africa, then on to Western Europe, Canada, the United States, Mexico, and Central and South America.
Started in 1955 when a phone number mix-up caused children to call the Continental Air Defense Command asking for Santa, the tracking tradition celebrates its 68th year in 2023 (it was taken on by NORAD in 1958). On December 24th, trackers worldwide can call 1-877-HI-NORAD from 6 a.m. to midnight MST or visit the website from 4 a.m. to midnight MST to follow Santa’s flight around the world.
When asked about the existence of Santa, NORAD replies, “Mountains of historical data and NORAD tracking information lead us to believe that Santa Claus is alive and well in the hearts of people throughout the world.”
If Santa is in your heart or in the heart of someone close to you, the NORAD Santa Tracker will provide hours of joy (and new videos of Santa every hour). On behalf of ASA, have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year.
The post NORAD Has the Watch: Santa Tracker first appeared on Learn To Fly.
]]>The post ASA 2023 Gift Guide first appeared on Learn To Fly.
]]>On the other hand, if you’re the pilot yourself, you can send the link to everyone who’s been asking what you want. We’ve done the work, so you don’t have to.
The post ASA 2023 Gift Guide first appeared on Learn To Fly.